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Teeth Whitening – Hingham, MA

Make Your
Pearly Whites Shine

young woman smiling after getting teeth whitening in Hingham

If your smile looks duller than it used to, you’re not alone. Teeth can become discolored over time for many reasons, from drinking coffee every morning to smoking to simply the natural aging process. If you’re ready to make your pearly whites shine, Dr. Mohamed Hegazi can essentially turn back the clock on your smile with professional teeth whitening in Hingham, MA. This safe, reliable treatment can remove years’ worth of stubborn tooth stains to reveal a more attractive, confident smile. To get started, reach out to our team at Admired Smiles Dental Center today!

Why Choose Admired Smiles Dental Center for Teeth Whitening?

Who Is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

woman admiring her smile in a mirror after teeth whitening

Do you find yourself cringing when you notice the color of your teeth in your reflection or in a photograph or video of yourself? If the answer is yes, then you might be a good candidate for teeth whitening!

Of course, you’ll need to attend a consultation with a cosmetic dentist in Hingham before moving forward with the treatment. Dr. Hegazi will examine your mouth to ensure you don’t have any untreated oral health concerns like cavities. If you do, then he’ll have to address those first. From there, he’ll develop a custom treatment plan to meet your needs. You can even get an idea of what your results will look like thanks to our virtual smile design technology!

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

closeup of a person’s smile before and after teeth whitening

At Admired Smiles Dental Center, we offer two methods of teeth whitening: in-office whitening with ZOOM! and take-home whitening kits that we custom-make at our dental office. Both of these solutions can lighten your pearly whites in a way that is safer and much more effective than over-the-counter whiteners.

take-home teeth whitening kit

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

If you’d like to brighten your smile from the comfort of your own home, you can try one of our take-home kits. We provide you with trays that have been personalized to fit your teeth perfectly, ensuring even distribution of the professional-strength bleaching agent. Once you start wearing the trays with the gel for a set amount of time per day, you should notice a stark difference right away!

person getting in-office teeth whitening from their cosmetic dentist in Hingham

In-Office Teeth Whitening

We can also dramatically whiten your teeth in a single visit to our dental office. Our team places a barrier over your cheeks and lips to prevent irritation in the soft tissues of your mouth. Then, we apply the bleaching gel to your teeth and activate it by shining a special light. The gel penetrates the surface of your teeth, breaking down stain molecules. After about 15 minutes, we wipe off the gel along with the stains! We can repeat this process two or three more times until you’re satisfied with the results.

Tips for Keeping Your Smile Bright

woman putting toothpaste onto an electric toothbrush

Your results can last for several months to a year or longer provided you care for your smile by:

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