It’s easy to panic when you suddenly start experiencing severe oral pain or realize that you have a badly damaged tooth, but having a compassionate emergency dentist in Hingham, MA who you know you can count on in an urgent situation can make all the difference. Reach out to Dr. Hegazi immediately as soon as you realize you have a dental emergency. One of our dentistry team members can arrange for you to be seen as soon as possible, and they can give you instructions for managing the situation on your own until you arrive.
There are two major kinds of dental emergencies: those that result from poor oral hygiene, and those that are linked to a sudden injury or trauma. We can handle both types of emergencies right here. When you call us, be as specific as possible when describing your problem so that we can tailor our first-aid advice for your situation. The tips below are things you’ll want to keep in mind for some particularly common dental emergencies.
Clear away lingering food debris by flossing around the tooth. Afterwards, if the pain is still there, call us immediately; you may have an infection that requires a root canal. If you take a painkiller, make sure that it does not touch the tooth or the gum tissue when you put it in your mouth.
Avoid chewing with the broken tooth; if it suffers too much damage, it may have to be removed. Place sugarless gum or dental wax over any broken edges that might irritate the inside of your mouth. If you notice swelling, apply an ice pack to the area every so often.
Lost teeth can be saved if you seek treatment as soon as possible. Pick the tooth up by the crown, rinse it off, and try to put it back in its socket. If it won’t fit, put it in a sealed container of milk or salt water. You’ll have the best chance of a successful replantation if you get to our dental office in less than an hour.
To keep the tooth safe, try to reattach the restoration using dental cement, which can be bought over the counter at the drugstore. This is only a temporary measure until the restoration can be permanently reattached. If the crown is completely broken, do not try to fix it on your own.
Some dental emergencies are simpler than others. The overall cost of care is something we’ll only be able to determine after we’ve examined your mouth and considered your different treatment options. Our goal will always be to stop your pain and restore your smile as quickly as possible, and we’ll make sure to consider your personal situation very carefully before giving you our recommendations. We can also go over your options for insurance and third-party financing.
Many cases of jaw pain are linked to a disorder of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ). These small connective tissues are what allow you to speak, chew, and smile normally. If something damages or strains the TMJs, not only will your jaw hurt, but you may not be able to open or close your mouth all the way. Once Dr. Hegazi has diagnosed a TMJ disorder, we can start working on a treatment plan to help your jaw find a little relief.
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